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The Day AI Transformed My World: A Beginner’s Tale

Exploring the Evolution of AI: A Journey from January 2023 Onwards

The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ever-evolving, with breakthroughs and developments happening at a rapid pace. As we look back from January 2023 onwards, we can see a clear trajectory of innovation and advancement that has shaped the current landscape of AI. This journey is not just about technological feats; it’s a story of how AI has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming industries, and opening up new possibilities for the future.

The Starting Point: January 2023

The beginning of 2023 was marked by significant advancements in AI, setting the tone for the year. One of the key highlights was the introduction of more sophisticated natural language processing models, which improved AI’s understanding and generation of human language. This breakthrough enhanced various applications, from chatbots to content creation tools, making interactions with AI more seamless and intuitive. This is when I really started to take an interest. My journey started like so many others, with Chat GPT. First it was small things like writing a policy or some content, using the free version of Chat GPT. I liked what I saw and started paying for it, then I had the plugins at my disposal, oh the world opened up. I could have this GPT summarize a 4 hour seminar in seconds, read through long documents and find that answers I needed, it would draw diagrams and even graphics. Now you can even make your own GPT’s to accomplish different tasks such as creating a college course, writing a blog article, producing a project plan, the list is limited only by your imagination. Then I added Co-Pilot in Office 365 and started testing some of the same things I did in GPT.

As we continue on this exciting journey of AI evolution, it’s clear that the developments from January 2023 onwards have laid a strong foundation for the future. The possibilities are endless, and the future of AI looks brighter than ever.